Mark Neely
Seminars is a consulting organization dedicated to
designing and presenting meaningful skills training
to companies of all sizes. Since 1990 Mark Neely
has worked as an independent corporate trainer and
consultant. In 1998 he formed Mark
Neely Seminars and has conducted and designed training programs
for companies throughout North America and Europe.
Mark’s approach is to customize learning experiences
for his clients. This is done through research and
by interviewing management and staff before programs
are delivered so as to understand the current challenges
that prospective clients face within their own markets
and industry. He then designs one and two-day training
programs in a way that helps attendees to get to
the next level of personal and organizational success.
How It's Done:
- One and Two-Day Seminars
Conducted On-Site For Your Company
- Customized Programs, Case Studies, Role-Play
and Speeches
- Designed to be Meaningful Learning Experiences
- Pre-course Interviews and Participant
Preparation for Each Session
- Lasting Value Through Post-Class Follow-Up
- Training sessions combine fun with a profound
learning experience.
- Every course is carefully customized with Skills
Practice and Application Exercises created to deepen
the value of each session. Role-play and team interaction
are designed to address specific and relevant company
issues, challenges and objectives.
- Participants come away from the program with
practical tools that will help them to put together
more profitable agreements while building the value
of their professional relationships with peers,
customers, and suppliers.