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Helping Companies Build Profitable Relationships
Key Points of Learning

(Created by a sales rep from Weyerhaeuser after attending NFS)

Listening is the key – What’s driving the customer? 
Preparation, Preparation, Preparation!  Write things down.
 · Anticipate objections
 · Concession strategies
 · Cost of concessions
 · Don’t give without getting something in return
 · Establish an Opening, Target, and Walk-away position beforehand.
Know where you are and why you are there - Conquer our own inhibitors
Understand our pressures as well as customer’s
Know the $ value of all that you do for the customer
Use the Internet to gather info as a part of preparing for a call
Everyone has internal Windows of Certainty and Doubt – the customer strives to move us into the window of doubt – this is the basis of a tactical approach to negotiation
Once we satisfy a need the customer is not motivated to give anything back so ask for something in return before you make a concession.
Slow down, you’ll get there faster
New business in your pipeline provides leverage (confidence) in dealing with a demanding customer – makes it easier to walk away if necessary
Know the internal climate/culture of the customer
Be professional – You are the company


Articles & Resources

Fear, Pressure and a Reactive Nature

Through the years, I have tried to understand why getting one's own way is so difficult, whether within a family or with others in a shared professional world. While each situation is unique, I have come to believe that the primary reason for a relative lack of success in negotiation stems from our own reactive natures. This means that we often exacerbate disagreements by pushing the other party further away because we take the disagreement personally.

Very few of us are able to escape from the limiting influence that pressure causes when we are working through the challenges put before us on a daily basis. For those who would like to improve their process and are open to look at their own reactions to the people they work with and against, I believe that there are always going to be new and exciting discoveries that will lead to more productive negotiations.

For those who would prefer to hide from their own fears and stay rooted in their own reactive nature, I believe that the only thing that they can look forward to are variations on the familiar themes of disappointment, discomfort and frustration in the pursuit of life's rewards.

Some lessons in life are so good
We just insist on learning them over and over again.

Self-awareness and Self-interest

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to negotiating from a perspective of strength is our resistance to facing our own limitations and reactions to fear and pressure. While it is often true that the other party puts a lot of effort into the job of creating doubt in our heads about the strength of our own position, much of the doubt is self-imposed. We need to take responsibility for that self-imposed aspect of our own doubt.

In a negotiation, we overcome the doubts by knowing clearly what we want, making ourselves accountable for the path we have taken toward the fulfillment of the goals we have set for ourselves and by showing a willingness and capability to adjust to changes as they unfold during the process.

Know what you want, choose a path to get it, and be prepared to adjust.

I have found that it tends to be the most competent negotiators who look for ways to become even better than they already are. On the other hand, too many people are simply content to look for reinforcing data that justifies the actions and behaviors they have already decided to take.

There's no limit to the creativity a person will find to justify his own past actions.

While it is natural that we should be more committed to the pursuit of our own interests than we are committed to the fulfillment of the interests of anyone else we often seem surprised, even feel betrayed, when we sense that others are not so committed to our fulfillment as they are to their own.

Most of us were taught that we should not be selfish yet one of the most obvious things we discover in life is that negotiations - whether over the price of a car; delivery terms on a shipment of raw materials; who should mow the lawn; where to vacation or who should apologize for a disrespectful exchange at the dinner table or office water cooler - bring us into contact with someone we feel is more self-centered than we would like them to be.

While it may be true that the other person is more self-centered than is good for you or even for him/herself, there's a pretty good chance that the other party - the one we perceive to be selfish - is sitting across from us seeing us as the selfish one.

Creating a mirror of another person's bad behavior
Is a lousy way to teach them a lesson.

©2006 Mark Neely Seminars

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